["Little Useful Bits" Library]

This utility provides some simple string manipulation functions which augment those found in the standard ANSI-C library. More...


char * lub_string_dup (const char *string)
void lub_string_cat (char **string_ptr, const char *text)
void lub_string_catn (char **string_ptr, const char *text, size_t length)
char * lub_string_dupn (const char *string, unsigned length)
const char * lub_string_suffix (const char *string)
int lub_string_nocasecmp (const char *cs, const char *ct)
const char * lub_string_nocasestr (const char *cs, const char *ct)
void lub_string_free (char *string)

Detailed Description

This utility provides some simple string manipulation functions which augment those found in the standard ANSI-C library.

As a rule of thumb if a function returns "char *" then the calling client becomes responsible for invoking lub_string_free() to release the dynamically allocated memory.

If a "const char *" is returned then the client has no responsiblity for releasing memory.

Function Documentation

void lub_string_cat ( char **  string_ptr,
const char *  text 

This operation concatinates the specified text onto an existing string.

  • 'string_ptr' must contain reference to NULL or to a dynamically allocated string.
  • The old string referenced by 'string_ptr' will be automatically released
  • 'string_ptr' will be updated to point to a dynamically allocated string containing the concatinated text.
  • If there is insufficient resource to extend the string then it will not be extended.
  • The client maintains responsibility for releasing the string reference by string_ptr when they are finished using it.
string_ptr  A pointer to the string to concatinate
text  The text to be appended

void lub_string_catn ( char **  string_ptr,
const char *  text,
size_t  length 

This operation concatinates a specified length of some text onto an existing string.

  • 'string_ptr' must contain reference to NULL or to a dynamically allocated string.
  • The old string referenced by 'string_ptr' will be automatically released.
  • 'string_ptr' will be updated to point to a dynamically allocated string containing the concatinated text.
  • If there is insufficient resource to extend the string then it will not be extended.
  • If there length passed in is greater than that of the specified 'text' then the length of the 'text' will be assumed.
  • The client maintains responsibility for releasing the string reference by string_ptr when they are finished using it.
string_ptr  A pointer to the string to concatinate
text  The text to be appended
length  The length of text to be appended

char* lub_string_dup ( const char *  string  ) 

This operation duplicates the specified string.

  • none
A dynamically allocated string containing the same content as that specified.
  • The client is responsible for calling lub_string_free() with the returned string when they are finished using it.
string  The string to duplicate

char* lub_string_dupn ( const char *  string,
unsigned  length 

This operation dupicates a specified length of some text into a new string.

  • none
A dynamically allocated string containing the same content as that specified.
  • The client is responsible for calling lub_string_free() with the returned string when they are finished using it.
string  The string containing the text to duplicate
length  The length of text to be duplicated

void lub_string_free ( char *  string  ) 

This operation releases the resources associated with a dynamically allocated string.

  • The calling client must have responsibility for the passed string.
  • The string is no longer usable, any references to it must be discarded.
string  The string to be released

int lub_string_nocasecmp ( const char *  cs,
const char *  ct 

This operation compares string cs to string ct in a case insensitive manner.

  • none
  • < 0 if cs < ct
  • 0 if cs == ct
  • > 0 if cs > ct
  • none
cs  The first string for the comparison
ct  The second string for the comparison

const char* lub_string_nocasestr ( const char *  cs,
const char *  ct 

This operation performs a case insensitive search for a substring within another string.

  • none
pointer to first occurance of a case insensitive version of the string ct, or NULL if not present.
  • none
cs  The string within which to find a substring
ct  The substring for which to search

const char* lub_string_suffix ( const char *  string  ) 

This operation returns a pointer to the last (space separated) word in the specified string.

  • none
A pointer to the last word in the string.
  • none
string  The string from which to extract a suffix

Generated on Tue Apr 29 13:41:09 2008 for CLISH by  doxygen 1.5.1